
These are our Top 10 most popular posts on any given month.


A Minimalist Guide for Over 40s: Learn How to Ditch the Rut and Live Your Best Life

A Minimalist Guide for Over 40s: Learn How to Ditch the Rut and Live Your Best Life

If you’re over 40, and feeling stuck, welcome. You’re in the right place.  For Gen X’ers and Boomers, living with less isn’t in our nature. We’re accustomed to accumulating stuff. Coming of age pre-Internet, we took our cues from TV, magazines, friends, and family. Consumerism was drummed into us at every turn: Stuff is what will make…

Furniture-Free Living: Why We Love It (What We’ve Learnt So Far)

Furniture-Free Living: Why We Love It (What We’ve Learnt So Far)

Have you ever wondered what they mean when they talk about furniture-free living? It’s exactly that. No furniture. Imagine walking into your home and there’s no clutter, with open space and no bulky couches or tables taking up the room. This concept basically means that we don’t do it like we used to. Instead of…

3 Reasons Why Vegans Don’t Eat Honey (And What We Eat Instead)
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3 Reasons Why Vegans Don’t Eat Honey (And What We Eat Instead)

Have you ever wondered why vegans don’t eat honey?  A lot of people don’t understand why it’s such a big deal for us. For a long time, Sporty and I didn’t get it either. (And this was after adopting a fully plant-based diet.) But then we discovered how many nectar-foraging trips it takes for a bee…