Simple Living

Simple living is about buying less and doing more. It’s about focusing more on experiences and less on acquiring stuff. It’s also about decluttering, keeping your home organized and managing your money in a way that makes early retirement a realistic goal.

That said, simple living isn’t about making life hard or uncomfortable. (Let’s leave that to the masochists.) Rather, it’s about having the freedom to live life on your terms. It’s about slowing down, being open to new ideas and stopping occasionally to enjoy the view.

Furniture-Free Living: The Surprising Benefits (Why We’ll Never Go Back)

Furniture-Free Living: The Surprising Benefits (Why We’ll Never Go Back)

Have you ever wondered what they mean when they talk about furniture-free living? It’s exactly that. No furniture. Imagine walking into your home and there’s no clutter, with open space and no bulky couches or tables taking up the room. This concept basically means that we don’t do it like we used to. Instead of…

Earn More Money: 3 Eco-Friendly Side-Hustles to Healthy Up Your Wallet

Earn More Money: 3 Eco-Friendly Side-Hustles to Healthy Up Your Wallet

“I don’t want to earn more money,” said nobody except Daniel Suelo.  We’d all like a little extra moolah in our back pocket. I mean, how else will we fund our habits? Caffeine addictions aside. Sporty and I are toying with the idea of buying into one of those off-grid hippie communities and increasing our…

7 Minimalist Family Blogs About Living Clutter-Free and Happy With Kids

7 Minimalist Family Blogs About Living Clutter-Free and Happy With Kids

Have you ever looked around your clutter-filled living room and dreamt about living in a more minimalist home with your family? It’s actually less of a fantasy than you might think! Before you dismiss the idea of adopting a minimalist lifestyle as impractical with kids, take a tour with me into the world of families…

Love Your Home: 5 Minimalist Living Ideas You Can Try Right Now

Love Your Home: 5 Minimalist Living Ideas You Can Try Right Now

It can be hard to love your home when it’s still in the dreaded  fixer-upper stage.  Ho hum right? Especially when there’s no room in the budget for all those changes you envisaged making when you bought it. Maybe your house is already in pretty good shape, it just looks like a clutter ‘splosion thanks…

Gear for Car Camping: 3 Essentials for the Best Weekend Ever

Gear for Car Camping: 3 Essentials for the Best Weekend Ever

Stop! Before you start packing for your road trip with every camping gadget under the sun, let’s take a step back and breathe…and maybe put down that inflatable kayak. We get it, car camping can be overwhelming, but here’s the thing: When you’re first dipping a toe in the camping water, there really isn’t a…