Simple Living

Simple living is about buying less and doing more. It’s about focusing more on experiences and less on acquiring stuff. It’s also about decluttering, keeping your home organized and managing your money in a way that makes early retirement a realistic goal.

That said, simple living isn’t about making life hard or uncomfortable. (Let’s leave that to the masochists.) Rather, it’s about having the freedom to live life on your terms. It’s about slowing down, being open to new ideas and stopping occasionally to enjoy the view.

How to Make More Time for the Things That Matter (Like Peanut Butter Gelato)

How to Make More Time for the Things That Matter (Like Peanut Butter Gelato)

Making time for the things that matter, matters. Are you good at the busy stuff, but not so great at the important stuff? Don’t feel bad, that’s most of us. Just because modern-day living has conditioned us to place productivity above self-care, doesn’t mean we have to. I mean, we’re still the boss of us. Whoever…

Ready to Retire? 7 Reasons Why Swedish Death Cleaning Should Be Your #1 Priority

Ready to Retire? 7 Reasons Why Swedish Death Cleaning Should Be Your #1 Priority

Does the thought of losing your independence keep you up at night? It should. Imagine if your son or daughter offered to treat you to lunch. But rather than take you home afterwards, they dropped you at a retirement facility instead. No warning, no discussion, nothing. One minute you’re in the house you’ve lived in…

Live With Less: 5 TED Talks That Will Inspire You to Simplify Your Life

Live With Less: 5 TED Talks That Will Inspire You to Simplify Your Life

Feeling swamped by the clutter? Want to live with less but don’t know where to start?  No shame. We all know that modern life can be a little nuts. Seems like we’ve got way more stuff than we know what to do with.  Here’s a wild idea. Imagine waking up in a tidy house, where…

Slow Living: 10 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life in 2023
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Slow Living: 10 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life in 2023

Are you exhausted from the constant rush of the fast-paced world? Fed up with the never-ending digital updates, overflowing to-do lists, and feeling like a hamster in a wheel? You’re not alone. That’s how Sporty and I felt for many years. It was only after we ditched most of our stuff and embraced a slower…

10 Ways Decluttering Will Make You Happier and More Productive

10 Ways Decluttering Will Make You Happier and More Productive

Decluttering leaves you with more than just a tidy closet and a place to park your car. It clears your mind, reduces stress and makes you happier. Winning. Here’s the thing. Clutter has a way of overwhelming even the most sane among us. And we all know what happens when we’re overwhelmed, right? Nothing. Or rather,…