Sustainable Living

Sustainable living isn’t just for hippies living off-the-grid in cob houses, teepees and geodesic domes. There’s a lot city dwellers can do to be more eco-conscious. Posts in this category include adopting a greener lifestyle, living plastic-free, eco-friendly shopping and more.

5 Small Space Living Ideas: Transforming Tiny Houses Into Small Cosy Homes

5 Small Space Living Ideas: Transforming Tiny Houses Into Small Cosy Homes

Small cosy homes take careful consideration and planning. These small space living ideas will help you make the most of the square footage you have at your disposal. Sporty and I are still in the shopping phase of our tiny house journey. We know for sure that we want to live in a tiny home…

We’re Moving to a Tiny Home Community. Here’s Why You Should Join Us

We’re Moving to a Tiny Home Community. Here’s Why You Should Join Us

We’re moving to a tiny home community. At least, that’s the plan for the near future. Near future being the next thing we do after sequestering ourselves on a farm for a year. If you’ve followed our blog for a while, you’ll know that Sporty and I are prone to changing our minds. A lot….

How to Build a Casual Minimalist Wardrobe (That’s Good for the Planet)

How to Build a Casual Minimalist Wardrobe (That’s Good for the Planet)

Building a minimalist wardrobe isn’t just for ascetics. Done right, it can become a stylish and sustainable lifestyle. It’s true! Adopting a minimalist approach to your wardrobe can drastically lessen your carbon footprint.  Imagine opening your cupboard each morning and finding everything perfectly arranged, each piece a favorite, and no excess cluttering up your space. Even…

13+ Yummy Vegan Gift Ideas Your Bunny-Hugging Human Will Love

13+ Yummy Vegan Gift Ideas Your Bunny-Hugging Human Will Love

You’re busy putting together your Christmas shopping list. Deck the halls! Everything was going fine until you had to come up with some vegan gift ideas for your bunny-hugging human. Now you’ve hit a blank. I mean, what on earth are you going to buy for them? Last year you went with wine, ‘cos how…

115 Million Reasons to Stop Animal Testing (Plus, How You Can Help)

115 Million Reasons to Stop Animal Testing (Plus, How You Can Help)

It’s 2020. It’s hard to believe animal testing is still be a thing. And yet…while you’re reading this in the comfort of your home or at a cozy coffee shop somewhere, more than 115 million animals are enduring unspeakable pain and suffering in laboratories around the world. They’ve never known freedom or what it means to be…