Mindful Living

Mindful living is about approaching all aspects of life with intentionality. As Annie Dillard famously quipped, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” In other words, live mindfully. Make the most of your time here. Embrace it all. You can Netflix and chill when you’re dead.

Minimalist Smartphone Setup: 6 Steps and a Bazillion(ish) Benefits

Minimalist Smartphone Setup: 6 Steps and a Bazillion(ish) Benefits

Imagine if a minimalist smartphone setup was the only thing standing between you and a calmer, more intentional life.  Could it really be that simple? Yup, it really could.  Unless you’re a young teenager, you’ll remember what life was like before Steve Jobs unleashed the iPhone 3 on unsuspecting first world humans. We knew it…

3 (Un-Hippie Ways) to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

3 (Un-Hippie Ways) to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

Knowing how to protect yourself from negative energy is more important than ever. Negative energy is a part of life. You’ll encounter it in people, situations and even places. It might come across as ‘new-agey’ to talk about energy in this way, but a lot of what we know about negative energy is actually grounded…

5 Ted Talks That Will Change Your Perspective on Getting Older

5 Ted Talks That Will Change Your Perspective on Getting Older

For a lot of people, myself included, getting older is something that happens to other people. But, as someone who recently turned fifty-two, I’m beginning to realize that it may just happen to me too. I’m not upset by the idea, but it has given me pause for thought. I’m more concerned about my health…